Como Crear Menus Deplegables Con Frontpage Screenshots

Video Tutorial

The Vista Buttons add-in for Expression Web and Frontpage allows you to create powerful dropdown menu menus, directly in Expression Web, FrontPage 2000 (version 9), Microsoft FrontPage 2002 (version 10), Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 (version 11). Fully customizable appearance! Use one of the 500+ web buttons, 100 submenu designs, 6600+ icons, 50 ready-made samples, or create your own using the theme editor. With support for custom images, icons, colors, font styles, the possibilities are limitless. You'll create really nice looking website html menus and html buttons with little or no design skills at all! Create, insert, modify a website menu without leaving your favorite web development environment!

Menu, Button, and Icon Collection

Expression Web Menu provides huge collection of 1400 web buttons, 6600 icons, 300 ready-made samples, so you'll create really nice looking menus and buttons with little or nodesign skills at all! Web 2.0, Mac, iPhone, Aqua buttons, Vista, XP, transparent, round, glossy, metallic, 3d, tab menus, drop down menus will be a breeze!

Button and Icon Samples


Integration with popular web authoring software.
Expression Web Menu integrates with Dreamweaver, FrontPage, and Expression Web as an extension/add-in. Create, insert, modify a menu without leaving your favorite web design framework!

Expression Web Icons And Buttons Css Drop Down Menus
Create drop down menus based on css using Expression Web Menu. Make various styles for each submenu item adjusting css styles.

Modelli Siti Web Expression Web Padding and Spacing
Specify various values for padding and spacing for the whole menu and for each separate submenu.

Expression Web 3 Css Menu Como Crear Menus Deplegables Con Frontpage Cross Browser Menu
Full cross-browser compatibility including IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror and Safari

Multilanguage User Interface (MUI)
Since the version 2.79 Expression Web Menu supports the multilanguage user interface. Expression Web Menu is translated into the numerous of languages such as: German, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, Portugues, Arabic, Polisch, Romanian, Hungarian, Bahasa Malaysia.

Export graphic picture
Using Expression Web Menu you can save menu graphic picture as gif-files (*.gif).

2.0 Buttons by v3.0.0

How to use Vista Buttons with FrontPage

    To install the popup menu into your html page you should do the following things:

    1). Create and save your buttons in any temp folder using Vista Buttons application. You canuse "Save as HTML" function.

    Save menu

    You can enter any name you like, for example enter "menu":

    Save menu name

    So you'll have menu.html file and "menu-files" folder with all menu files.

    Generated files

    2). You can add javascript popup menu to a single page or to many pages using Shared Borders, Include Page or Dynamic Web Template so that you won't have to add it into each page separately.

    Insert a popup menu to many pages using Dynamic Web Template in FrontPage

    - Start FrontPage and open your website. When the website opens, it should look like this:

    Open website in FrontPage

    - To create the Dynamic Web Template you should do the following things:
    Create a new folder in the root of your website, for example "menu". In this folder create a new Blank Page and name it menu.dwt.

    Dynamic Web Templates

    - Now you can add a menu in Dynamic Web Template. Open menu.dwt page (double-click menu.dwt in Folder list window) and switch to the Design view mode. Decide where you would like the popup menu to appear in your page. Click in the spot you want the code to appear in and type the phrase: your code

    Dynamic Web Templates add menu

    - Open the generated in Vista Buttons menu.htmlpage in any text editor. Copy all code within the following tags:
          <!-- Begin -->
          <!-- End -->

    - We will now be inserting the JavaScript code into the body section right where we typed the phrase in the previous step. To do this, switch to HTML View.

    - Go to the "Edit Menu" with FrontPage and select the "Paste" option to paste the menu code that we copied to the clipboard earlier. Since the phrase we typed was highlighted, it will be replaced when we paste the code in.

    Dynamic Web Templates add menu code

    - To display the mouseover state images correctly you should change vbImgPath parameter. Find the following code
    var vbImgPath="menu-files/"
    and change it to
    var vbImgPath="menu/menu-files/"

    Change path prefix in FrontPage

    - Now you should copy the "menu-files" folder into the same folder with your menu.dwt page.

    Copy menu files in FrontPage

    - Select the Preview mode to display the menu.dwt page live (in Internet Explorer). Notice that your mouseover images can be not displayed when you hover over menu items in the Preview mode. It is normal. You'll see all images when you open index.htm page in the Preview mode.

    Preview mode in FrontPage

    - Add editable regions to a Dynamic Web Template.
    a. Open the Dynamic Web Template (.dwt) file.
    b. In Page view, at the bottom of the document window, click Design.
    c. Put your cursor below the menu
    d. Right-click and then click Manage Editable Regions.
    e. In the Region name box, type a name for the editable region, for example, Header, Body, or Footer.
    f. Click Add, and then click Close.

    Dynamic Web Templates Editable Regions

    - Attach a Dynamic Web Template to your pages.
    a. Open the Web page you want to attach a Dynamic Web Template to.
    To attach the Dynamic Web Template to more than one page, select the pages you want.
         * In the Folder List, hold down CTRL and click each page you want.
         * If the Folder List is hidden, click Folder List on the View menu.
    b. On the Format menu, point to Dynamic Web Template, and then click Attach Dynamic Web Template.
    c. Locate and click the Dynamic Web Template (menu.dwt) you want to attach, and then click Open.
    d. In the appeared windows click "Ok" and then click "Close".

    Dynamic Web Templates Attach Template

    - That's all. You've added all necessary code to your page, so let's test it. Open your index page (double-click index.htm in Folder list window) and switch to the Preview mode.


    - If everything goes well, save and publish your website. If something seems wrong, double-check that you followed all the steps correctly.

    - If you still run into trouble, we'd be happy to assist you further. You can post your problem to us at , and meanwhile describe your files in details.


Please contact Customer Support at (please include template name in the message title)


See also

Dropdown Rollover Menu Dreamweaver Template Insert a dropdown menu to a single page in FrontPage How to insert Como Hacer Un Website Con Dreamweaver Popular Templates the horizontal drop down menu easily " Crear Menus

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